
How to Leverage Google's E-Business Strategies

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Organization Selected : Google Inc


Google Inc., seen as the largest and leading American search engine organisation that was founded in the year 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, is stated as the subsidiary of its holding company named Alphabet Inc. Greater than 70% of the global online search is handled by Google by placing it at heart of an internet users experience. The company specialises in the services relating to internet and the products that involve online advertising, cloud computing, search engines, etc. It is considered one of the biggest technological companies, along with companies such as Apple, Facebook, and Amazon.

Information System

It is been defined as the set of components in collecting, storing, processing, and distributing information, including the software and the hardware, system users and data itself. The business organisation makes use of the information system for solving the problems that are faced by the company in achievement of the goals and objectives (Rahayu and Day, 2017). Information systems play an important role in processing data from enterprise inputs for generating information that seems to be useful in managing operations. In order to increase the effectiveness of an information system, an entity needs to add more and more data for making information in an accurate manner or using such information in a new manner.

Information system of Google

Google promotes creativity and innovation among their employees and also encourages its employees to come up with new ideas for dedicating 20% of their time to their projects. Google had given full flexibility to its employees in choosing from the several computers and the operating systems in order to work on it and also makes sure that an employee could gain access to the information in relation to the proposals that are being undertaken by firms at different locations through the intranet (Laudon and Traver, 2016). Furthermore, for developing the required IT infrastructure, the IT department maintains a balance  between buying products from outside vendors and developing their own software. For example, Google purchases Oracle's software for maintaining their accounts, while when it comes to managing the CRM, Google opts for developing its own certified software. Though the data is available to all the employees, it also ensures protection against the data being misused or being used by unauthenticated users. Google also developed many common applications, like Google apps, that could be used for internal as well as external purposes. The company followed a Round Robin policy that helps in loading balancing on the servers, where each server is assigned a particular function.

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It indicates the conduct of the business processes on the online platforms. These processes involve buying and selling the goods and services by serving the customers, processing the payments, collaborating along with other business partners, managing the production control, sharing information, etc. (Mahajan, 2015). It comprises the range of services and the functions that are from the development of an intranet and the extranets to the provision of e-services over the internet by the application service providers.

E-business of Google

In running to launch an e-commerce business, Google had taken several steps in understanding the world. For instance, the company has associated with 2000 workshops that helped Google determine the sellers in respect of its e-commerce platforms (Akter and Wamba, 2016). It has also been partnered with the chambers of business in order to conduct for their digital programmes.

Also, it has been assessed that more than 15000 sellers have been determined for the e-business platform of Google. In preparing as the technical giant, refining Google Shopping and its paid listing advertising services, the company had planned to make more of an omni-channel experience for encouraging brick-and-mortar retailers to list it with Google. This company had launched its services in the US, where it had allowed offline retailers to see the goods that are present within their stores for free and mark them on the Google Maps. Google plans to launch such a feature in other countries as well for the purpose of increasing the number of sellers on its own platform.


By summing up the above report, it has been analysed that the information system and e-business of Google are considered strong and wide. The company had introduced many software and features in relation to the information system and on its e-commerce platform.

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